Personal Wellness Realized

MetaPWR is doTERRA's new system that was created to support your Metabolic Health. Metabolic Health is SO MUCH MORE than just weight. It's how every cell in your body functions. It's energy, mental clarity, sleep and rest, mood, stress response, and yes, weight too. What if you could UPGRADE your metabolic health? What if you didn't have to accept "it's just your age" that is the problem? Would you be interested? If the answer is yes, you need to take this course.


  • 1


    • Start Here!

  • 2

    What's Holding Back Your Wellness?

    • Your Most Powerful Life!

    • Starting Your Journey

    • Why is Metabolic Health Important?

    • Make It Make SENSE!

  • 3

    Compounding Interest on Your Good Choices!

    • Are you genetically doomed?

    • You are in control.

    • What if you're super healthy? Can you benefit?

  • 4


    • Overview.

    • Prefer To Watch, Not Read? I got you.

    • There is Oil in the House of the Wise

    • Comin' in for the Assist!

    • Giving Yourself the Advantage

    • Create Your MetaPWR Day

    • Bonus Lesson: LLV

  • 5

    The Next Step...

    • How this works!

    • Door #1

    • Door #2

    • Door #3

  • 6

    Wrap Up

    • Thank You

About Your Instructor

Diamond Leader

Stephanie LaDeaux

Stephanie LaDeaux has been teaching about essential oils for almost a decade. It's a passion that has completely altered the journey of her life. She is now a doTERRA Diamond and Holistic Health Practitioner. Stephanie's best known quote is "oils without information are paperweights". If you just buy the oils but don't know what to do with them, they aren't much good to you. So, with that in mind, she's built her business around helping customers USE their oils. A very important distinction from those who just wish to SELL oils. It's made all the difference in her customer's lives. "I hope you find value here. If you have any questions, please reach out. Be Well, Stephanie"